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Our daily bread restaurant

our daily bread restaurant

What a delightful deliverance to be free of such grief-stricken moments. We shall be free from tears because life carries with it more pain than pleasure. And, I am sure, it was one of the thoughts in Jesus’ mind when He taught His disciples to Pray, Our Father, which art in Heaven.

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This is a most solemn and sincere consideration. At times described as a definite place, a heavenly country, a New Jerusalem, a home prepared especially for God’s children… Unless we have accepted Jesus Christ as Saviour and call God our Heavenly Father in this world, we would not sense that home feeling in Heaven. Heaven # 3: There is a third heaven referred to throughout the New Testament as the realm or kingdom of God. represents the endless orbit of stellar assemblages that circle through the night in majestic movements. It indicates the unmeasured immensity of numberless galaxies flung across infinite expanses. It explicitly applies to the sun, moon, stars, and sky. Heaven # 2: The second heaven is what we call outer space. The formation of clouds, the precipitation of rain, hail, or snow, the water vapour that provides mist, dew, and frost, all as coming from heaven. It is meant to describe the envelope of the air that surrounds the planet, conditions our climate, and sustains life. Heaven #1: We find it used over and over with reference to the earth’s atmosphere.

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If He is my Father and heaven is where He lives, heaven is His home well then, I might do well to know something what that realm, that kingdom, what it is really like. If God is in heaven, well then, I ought to know something about heaven. Now even among those of us who have been accustomed to reading the Word of God… there are times when we do not understand a simple statement… like our Father which Art in heaven.Ĭountless times, I must admit that I am far too vague in my ideas about certain spiritual realities, spiritual truths. If, for instance, the average person on the street, who have never studied scriptural teaching, were to read, “Our Father which art in heaven,” it would mean almost nothing to them. People from all levels of society who are most sincere and who possess a down-to-earth faith have had to struggle with the complexities and limitations of human language in their attempt to understand divine truth. 6) It rises at one end of the heavens and makes its circuit to the other nothing is deprived of its warmth. 5) It is like a bridegroom coming out of his chamber, like a champion rejoicing to run his course. In the heavens God has pitched a tent for the sun. 4) Yet their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world. 3) They have no speech, they use no words no sound is heard from them. 2) Day after day they pour forth speech night after night they reveal knowledge. Psalm 19:1-6… 1) The heavens declare the glory of God the skies proclaim the work of his hands.

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